Daniel Volchek - About Me

So... who are you?

Daniel Volchek - Profile Image

I'm just me!

Ok, you probably want to know a little more than that, right? I don't think you'd be here if you didn't

I'm much more than just my terminal

When I'm not coding, I love to try new things. Lately, I've been learning to rock climb. I'm starting off slowly, but hopefully this time next year I'll be scaling mountains! I love the outdoors, and if it wasn't for my other love Wi-Fi, I'd probably be living in a cabin in the middle of the woods by now.

Why programming?

As a kid, I loved to tinker. I was always curious about how my computer worked, what caused this to do that, and how I could do it myself. It didn't take long before I knew I wanted to be a programmer.

Let's talk a little more technical...

What do you do?

I'm a software engineer, leaning towards frontend/fullstack development. I love the technical challenge of solving logical problems, and I don't mind working behind the scenes to get everything functioning just right. I also enjoy putting the puzzle pieces together, with a satisfing visual representation. ReactJS and TailwindCSS are my preferred frontend tools. Thus, fullstack.

Where do you do it?

My dev enviornment is constantly in flux. My primary editor is Neovim, and I spend a lot of time tweaking and modifying my settings. It's almost like its own little hobby! If you'd like to take a look at my dotfiles, you can find them right here!